Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh (Barra and Vatersay Community) Limited is a company incorporated as private limited by guarantee SC285873 and a Scottish Charity SC041923
Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh

The Community of Barra and Vatersay

Our vision recognises people as the key resource in Barra and Vatersay. Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh aims to promote projects which will make Barra and Vatersay a better place for people to live and work. Community led development is at the heart of Iomairt aig an Oir and is the focus for Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh.


Environmental issues such as global warming, biodiversity, erosion, the production and use of energy are currently issues of great concern across the world. Energy Use and Conservation -  Energy costs are set to continue to rise, an effect which will be disproportionately high in remote areas. There are two means of offsetting these costs:- Increase the efficiency of energy use. Find alternative local means of energy production. Community Renewables - CBAB Community Wind Turbine Project; NCI Wind2heat project; VCA Wind2heat project. Promote energy efficiency projects e.g. household insulation; household renewables. Erosion - The sea and wind continually erode the islands leading to loss of lands and damage to roads etc. Craigston Road erosion works Vatersay/Eoligarry Sand blow fencing project Biodiversity and Conservation - Preservation of biodiversity is not only about the loss of species but also about the possible impact introduces species, or changes in our land use, can have on the prevalence and distribution of existing species. We can see from the example of the introduction of Mink and Hedgehogs to the Western Isles that a great deal of harm can be done by seemingly innocuous acts. Barra and Vatersay have 6 areas delineated for conservation for a variety of reasons. While there are restrictions on what can be done in these areas, they present an opportunity to demonstrate out conservation credentials.